Desi Grub Premium Wild Thyme Tea | Himalayan Herbal Thyme Tea 60 Gms

7 days

Premium Wild Thyme Tea Net Weight: 75 Grams
Have antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties
Relaxes bronchioles and promotes tissue repair.
It's packed with antioxidants
Natural cough remedy
Helps in Sound Sleep
Calms the nervous system
Reduces High Blood Pressure
Treats Acne
Inflammation Reduction
Respiratory Support
Gastrointestinal Health
Rich in Vitamin A, C & B
Power pack of Various Nutrients

रु 415.00
रु 425.00
You save: रु 10.00
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Thyme is a robust, shrubby herb with trailing green-gray leaves and an intense aroma and flavor. Desi Grub Thyme Tea is originated from High- Himalayas of Nepal (10,000ft & above).
Physiological Character:
Anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitussive, aromatic, astringent, bronchodilator, carminative, decongestant, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, immune tonic, rejuvenate, rubefacient, vermifuge, vulnerary.
Medicinal Uses:
1. Helps loosens mucus and soothes inflamed mucous membranes.
2. Nourishes and warms the lungs, nerves and adrenal glands.
3. Relaxes bronchioles and promotes tissue repair.
4. Can be used as a gargle or mouthwash to treat dental decay, laryngitis, mouth sores,
    plaque formation, sore throat, tonsillitis and bad breath.
5. Can be prepared as a soak for fungal infection, ringworm and parasites.
6. Can be use as an eye wash for sore eyes and hair rinse for dandruff.
Traditional Uses:
Alcoholism, asthma, bronchitis, cold, colic, coughs, depression, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, flu, hangover, hay fever, headache, herpes, laryngitis, menstrual cramps, pleurisy, rheumatism, shingles, sinusitis, sore throat, stomachaches, tetanus, tuberculosis, whooping cough, worms.
Vitamin B, Vitamin C, chromium, manganese, volatile oils (borneol, carvacrol, cymol, linalool, thymol), tannin, flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin) saponins, triterpene acids.
Wild Thyme leaves
Avoid therapeutic doses during pregnancy.
Direction to use:
Add 1/2 teaspoon of the tea to a cup of boiling water and stir to combine.

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